Think Outside the Box

Think Outside the Box

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Back to school already?!? Yup.

Two weeks from Wednesday, teachers in my district report back to school. I'm excited to do my  to school shopping. (Who am I kidding, I loaded up on school supplies before the Walmart displays were totally stocked. And I found some killer rebate deals on copy paper at Staples a couple of weeks ago.). I'm eager to catch up with my friends: colleagues and students.  I like the routine of the days and surprise of the unpredictable moments. I'm rested and ready.

I am in a different place, mentally, this summer.  For the first time, I took the month of July off.  I didn't plan.  I didn't professionally develop, I didn't even read a motivational book.  Instead, I did my professional development and Chemistry certification test in June.  I studied eight hours a day for weeks getting ready.  Then I took my exam and turned off my "school brain."  We took a road trip to the mountains.  I read Judy Blume and watched two seasons of Glee.  I relaxed on the couch and pinned sunsets and nothing related to education (lie, but very few...).

At first, I felt guilty.  But then I realized that for these three weeks, I'm actually getting the mental vacation I have earned through the school year.  I have finally figured out what my administrators have been encouraging: rest and relaxation. Rejuvenation. Respite. And in two more weeks, I'm going to be ready to return.

I am looking forward I the year.  I'm excited to figure out how to fit I the engineering themed Genius Hour projects using Dash &, TED Talks, and CrashCourse.  I'm ready to take another try at classroom management, high school edition.  I've got some (unfleshed) ideas about procedures to implement.  I'm going to enjoy these next two weeks off and then I'm going to jump right in.


What did you do over summer break?  Did you rest?  Did you pretend to rest while you really worked?  Are you feeling refreshed and ready to return?

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